Here is my phpMyAdmin report for December 2024.

Like last year, this year has been crowded with tasks and goals. I miss the good old days of phpMyAdmin full time work.

First week (49)

I merged the pull-request #19392 for PHP 8.4 support in str_getcsv. And did some issue management.

Second week (50)

I merged the pull-request #19428 to fix column type extraction. And uploaded tcpdf and sql-parser 5.10.2 to Debian.

Third week (51)

  • Monday:

    • Added new options to the script to allow writing the revision-info.php file And to chose the kit and compressions to build. This saves quite some time.
    • Re-built all the script to create the demo server files: commit on the scripts repo
    • Upgraded the demo VM to Debian Bookworm
    • Adjusted the website for the new versions.ini data format
  • Wednesday:

    • I worked on getting back all the git information into our revision-info.php file: PR #19458
    • And removed NVM on the demo VM and installed NodeJS 22 -> TODO: changelog
  • Thursday:

    • I worked on the PHPUnit tests for PHPUnit 11 on Debian 13
  • Saturday:

    • Some mail-server config adjustments
    • And pruning space on the reports database
    • And I sorted out what I had as unread emails for sql-parser

Fourth week (52)

I uploaded tcpdf and twig-i18n-extension with some minor changes to Debian. And did some issue management.