Here is my phpMyAdmin report for July 2021.

First week (26)

Not working on the project

I did some issue and pull-request triage.

Second week (27)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (05/07/2021)



I fixed bugs found after search in the code-base and reviewed/merged pull-requests.


I did one PR merge and did triage issues. Also did some infrastructure configuration.


Week end


Week end

I worked on the Mroonga support PR to clean and fix more code. I also wrote tests. Also did an infrastructure fix, disabled crons on non main repo to avoid forks running crons. And did un-mock a test.

Third week (28)

Monday (12/07/2021)



I did some issue triage and worked on merging pull-requests. I had to rebase most of them and edited the code for some of them.


I fixed CSS bugs, did triage issues and pull-requests. Also worked on improving code by removing the test suite hack and also removed dead code. Also wrote a test and search before removed very old un-used code.


Today I removed an old FAQ section and updated two FAQ sections. And worked on the analyser URL issue. I also did enable full type mode of Psalm. Finally I reviewed all alters done by Psalm on UnusedVariable.

Bug: bookmark_created, special_message global

Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Fourth week (29)

Monday (19/07/2021)

I worked on fixing bugs and writing tests for the DatabaseTree. Also did triage issues and pull-requests. Finally I also sorted out some Sentry reports.


Today I made PR reviews and bug fixes. I also finished writing tests and merging my changes.


I worked on bug fixing and pull-request merging. Also wrote tests and improved code and types.


Today I patched a bunch of issues and merged a pull-request.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday


Fifth week (30)

Monday (26/07/2021)

Today I worked on bug fixes and found a security issue. Also reported 2 normal issues due to my research. And made pull-request review. Found a non security bug SQL injection. I did some sorting out on the "bug"s we have in our issue board. Wrote tests for one and fixed it.

493 issues open and 22 PRs


Today I started by working on some UI migration to Bootstrap. I migrated the Theme dropdown and the database filter box. Also reviewed pull-requests and fixed bugs. Closed an old project board and did some sorting out and issue closing.

482 issues open and 23 PRs


Today I merged pull-requests and fixed issues. Also did some issue management.

479 issues open and 20 PRs


Today I merged pull-requests and did some issue management.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday
