Protect pfSense from bad actors/IPs using CrowdSec.

This is how to install CrowdSec on pfSense running freeBSD 12.3.

To learn more about what is CrowdSec you can look at this YouTube video from Lawrence Systems or look at the video from CrowdSec.

You can find this blog post on Reddit and discuss about it.

How to install

You will need to check the freeBSD version on your pfSense home page. Then open the package summary on freshports in a new browser tab.

Upgrade your setup

If you already did follow my blog post once and want to upgrade crowdsec, then do: pkg del crowdsec and follow the next step below.

Add pkg

pkg add

Follow the post install instructions.

You should adjust /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml and remove non valid files.

For systems running /var on tmpfs

To see what running /var on tmpfs is about: screenshot

You will need to change data_dir and db_path in /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml. Set the folder to /usr/local/crowdsec/data/ and create it: mkdir -p /usr/local/crowdsec/data/

Start the services

service crowdsec start

Make it start at boot

Add to /etc/rc.conf.local:


And create a file /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ with contents:

service crowdsec start

Make it executable: chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

Reference: pfSense documentation on boot scripts

Look at your logs

tail -f /var/log/crowdsec*

(You can logout/login to make cscli work withour the full path needed.) Find where the CLI is located:

find / -name cscli

Enrol the instance using cscli.

/usr/local/bin/cscli console enroll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

See the enrolled instance

instance on the dashboard at

Add scenarios


cscli scenarios list
cscli scenarios list -a
cscli scenarios install crowdsecurity/postfix-spam
cscli scenarios install crowdsecurity/dovecot-spam

Use the blocklist mirror service

Reference: official install docs and crowdsec blog.

Source code: GitHub

Uninstall the manual method previously provided by my blog

service crowdsec_blocklist_mirror stop
rm /usr/local/etc/rc.d/crowdsec_blocklist_mirror
rm /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-blocklist-mirror.yaml
rm /usr/local/bin/crowdsec-blocklist-mirror

cscli bouncers list
cscli bouncers remove crowdsec-blocklist-mirror-REPLACE_ME

# Remove the blocklist enable line in /etc/rc.conf.local
# Remove the service line in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

Install the service

You will need to check the freeBSD version on your pfSense home page. Then open the package summary on freshports in a new browser tab.

Add pkg
pkg add

Follow the post install instructions.

Make then start at boot

Add to /etc/rc.conf.local:


Add to the file /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

service crowdsec_mirror start

Start the services

service crowdsec_mirror start

Check that it works

If there is no IPs, run: service crowdsec restart and re-try.


Add a firewall alias

Go to: Firewall > Aliases > URLs and click on + Add. The type is: URL Table (IPs).

Do like on the screenshot using the URL we tried earlier and the save.

Adding a firewall URL alias for CrowdSec on pfSense

Add a firewall rule

Go to: Firewall > Rules > Interface name for Internet and click on Add. The source is Single host and alias and the type the name of the firewall aslias you created earlier. Do like on the screenshot and save. Then apply the changes.

Adding a firewall rule on the network interface for CrowdSec on pfSense

Or use the firewall bouncer (does it work on pfSense ?)

This is an alternative to using the blocklist mirror service. I could not figure out how to know that it actually works.

Add pkg

You will need to check the freeBSD version on your pfSense home page. Then open the package summary on freshports in a new browser tab.

pkg add

Follow the post install instructions.

Make then start at boot

Add to /etc/rc.conf.local:


Start the services

service crowdsec_firewall start

Add to the file /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

service crowdsec_firewall start