How to write a plugin/handler/pipeline for mailman3 to add/edit/remove headers of posts

In this blog post I will show you how to write a plugin that edits the headers of received mailing list posts.

Tested on Debian 12 with mailman3: 3.3.8-2~deb12u2.

Configuring the plugin in mailman

In /etc/mailman3/mailman.cfg you will need to add

# The file will be at: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mailman_sender_plugin/
# And it needs a class named `SenderHeaderPlugin` that implements `IPlugin`.
class: mailman_sender_plugin.plugin.SenderHeaderPlugin
enabled: yes
# If you need a config file for the plugin, see:
# configuration: /etc/mailman3/mailman-sender-plugin.cfg

Creating the files and folders

Create a new folder for your package: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mailman_sender_plugin.

The structure will be:

├── handlers
│   ├──
│   └──
├── pipelines
│   ├──
│   └──

3 directories, 6 files files

Files to create:

  • handlers/
  • pipelines/

Each can be empty or have the contents:

# This file is required to make the directory a Python package.
# It can remain empty.

The file has methods that do nothing:

from public import public
from zope.interface import implementer
from mailman.interfaces.plugin import IPlugin

class SenderHeaderPlugin:
    def pre_hook(self):

    def post_hook(self):

    def resource(self):
        return None


The file has methods that do nothing:

from public import public
from mailman.interfaces.pipeline import IPipeline
from mailman.pipelines.base import BasePipeline
#from mailman.pipelines.builtin import PostingPipeline
from zope.interface import implementer

# Pipelines are list of "handlers"

# The Pipelines has to be an implementation of the IPipeline inteface

# Here are some example of built-in pipelines that are used by default in Mailman.

class MailSenderPipeline(BasePipeline):

    # The name of the pipeline should be unique.
    name = 'mail-sender-pipeline'

    # Briefly describe the pipeline so it can be shown in web frontends to users when choosing a pipeline.
    description = 'Add Sender header and modify headers pipeline'

    # List of handlers, in the correct order, to be used for processing the email.
    # See:
    # You can add your handler at the end if the order is correct for your use case
    # _default_handlers = PostingPipeline._default_handlers + ('mailman-after-sent-handler')
    _default_handlers = (
        # All decoration is now done in delivery.
        # 'decorate',
        # Message decoration in delivery can break an arc signature, so sign
        # in delivery after decorating.
        # 'arc-sign',
        # Add the Sender header
        # Send it


from public import public
from zope.interface import implementer
from mailman.interfaces.handler import IHandler

# Use this in the process function: raise DiscardMessage('Message was discarded because ...')
#from mailman.interfaces.pipeline import (
#    DiscardMessage,
#    RejectMessage,

#import logging
#elog = logging.getLogger("mailman.error")
# Use this for logging in functions
#elog.error('My error message')

class SenderHeaderHandler:
    """A handler to add the Sender header to each email."""

    # The name of the handler should be unique.
    name = 'mailman-sender-handler'
    description = 'Add the Sender header to emails.'

    # Documentation for mlist can be found here:
    def process(self, mlist, msg, msgdata):
        """Add the Sender header to the email."""
        # Do not add already set headers, it would exist twice afterwards
        if not 'Sender' in msg:
            # Add the Sender header using the mailing list post address
            msg['Sender'] = mlist.posting_address

class MailmanHeaderCleanerHandler:
    """A handler to edit the mailman headers for each email."""

    # The name of the handler should be unique.
    name = 'mailman-headers-handler'
    description = 'Edit the mailman header for emails.'

    def process(self, mlist, msg, msgdata):
        """Edit the mailman header for emails."""
        # Remove some headers
        del msg['X-Mailman-Version']
        del msg['X-Mailman-Rule-Misses']
        del msg['X-Mailman-Rule-Hits']

Finalize the setup

You need to restart the mailman3 service: service mailman3 restart. Then you can check everything is loaded by running mailman shell or sudo -S -u lists-user mailman shell:

mailman shell
Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell

>>> config.plugins
{'mailman_sender_plugin': <mailman_sender_plugin.plugin.SenderHeaderPlugin object at 0xcafefffffff1>}
>>> config.handlers
{'to-usenet': ..., 'acknowledge': ..., [...], 'cleanse-dkim': ..., 'mailman-sender-handler': <mailman_sender_plugin.handlers.handlers.SenderHeaderHandler object at 0xcafefffffff2>, 'mailman-headers-handler': <mailman_sender_plugin.handlers.handlers.MailmanHeaderCleanerHandler object at 0xcafefffffff3>}
>>> config.pipelines
{'default-owner-pipeline': <mailman.pipelines.builtin.OwnerPipeline object at 0xcafefffffff4>, 'default-posting-pipeline': <mailman.pipelines.builtin.PostingPipeline object at 0xcafefffffff5>, 'virgin': < object at 0xcafefffffff6>, 'mail-sender-pipeline': <mailman_sender_plugin.pipelines.pipelines.MailSenderPipeline object at 0xcafefffffff7>}

Change the pipeline in the mailing list settings

Go to: "Settings" "Alter Messages " and change "Pipeline" to "mail-sender-pipeline". The save the settings and send a test email to valide that all works fine.

Note: the HTML of the webpage was altered to only show the setting you need to change.

mailman3 settings - alter messages

For the Sender header

You might want to set the "DMARC mitigation action" to none since you use a Sender header.

Go to: "Settings" > "DMARC Mitigations" on the list and set "DMARC mitigation action" to "No DMARC mitigations". This will stop changing the From: field of emails.
